Balance Steps are excellent for extremity balance and stabilization training. They are extremely versatile and can be used with either the flat side down or, for greater instability, facing up.


• Perform these with one step under each hand and each foot.
• Try Oblique (feet out to one side) and Offset (hands not in line with shoulders) Push Ups.
• Also try T Stabilization Push Ups − Perform standard push up on steps. Finish by balancing on one hand and raising the other straight up in the air.


• Lunge onto a step then return to the start position.
• Repeat to both sides.


• Place one step on a box and another on the floor.
• Step up to the box.
• Reverse direction and repeat to both sides.
• Change the height of the box, the speed of the movement, or add dumbbells to further vary this exercise.



• Stand on a box with a balance step positioned on the floor below.
• Step down to the balance step.
• Reverse direction and repeat to both sides.
• Change the height of the box, the speed of the movement, or add dumbbells to further vary this exercise.



• Begin with steps under both feet and squat to a parallel position.
• Return to upright position.
• Try these with a wider than normal stance or in a stagger position.
• Variation: Try doing a single leg squat on a balance step.




• Arrange Balance Steps in patterns that require stepping, jumping, lunging or crawling to negotiate the course.
• Mix up the requirements and speed of movement to add challenge to this exercise.



• Set up steps in a semicircle.
• With right leg, walk onto front step and hold left leg up for 10 seconds. Return to start.
• Use right leg to walk laterally onto second step and again hold left leg up for ten seconds. Return to start.
• Repeat process until you have completed walking onto all steps (step backwards onto last step).
• Repeat exercise beginning with the left leg.